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Akne i masna koža sklona aknama – Rešenja za čistu i zdravu kožu

Masna koža sklona aknama jedan je od najčešćih problema, kako u tinejdžerskom, tako i u odraslom dobu. Prekomerno lučenje sebuma, zapušene pore i upalne reakcije mogu dovesti do pojave nesavršenosti poput bubuljica, mitesera i crvenih upala. U ovoj kolekciji pronaći ćete pažljivo odabrane proizvode koji pomažu u regulaciji sebuma, dubinskom čišćenju pora i smanjenju nepravilnosti na koži.

Nega masne kože sklone aknama zahteva ravnotežu – proizvodi moraju efikasno uklanjati nečistoće i višak sebuma, ali bez isušivanja kože. Pravilnim odabirom sredstava za čišćenje, toniziranje, hidrataciju i ciljano tretiranje akni, možete poboljšati stanje kože, smanjiti upale i sprečiti nastanak novih nepravilnosti. Naša ponuda uključuje inovativne formulacije sa pažljivo odabranim sastojcima poput salicilne kiseline, niacinamida, cinka i drugih aktivnih supstanci koje pomažu u borbi protiv akni, dok istovremeno neguju i štite kožu.

Bez obzira na to da li se borite sa povremenim nepravilnostima ili upornim aknama, ovde ćete pronaći proizvode koji odgovaraju potrebama vaše kože. Uz pravilnu negu, vaša koža može ponovo postati čista, uravnotežena i blistava.

21 proizvoda

Salicylic Acid + Tea Tree Oil Clarifying Clay Mask 100 ML - Brands of I.Z.MSalicylic Acid + Tea Tree Oil Clarifying Clay Mask 100 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Purifying Fruit Enzyme Powder Peeling 60 Gr - Brands of I.Z.MPurifying Fruit Enzyme Powder Peeling 60 Gr - Brands of I.Z.M
Purifying Fruit Enzyme Powder Peeling 60 Gr Cena sa popusotm 1,490.00 RSD
Caffeine 5% Eye Contour Serum - Brands of I.Z.MCaffeine 5% Eye Contour Serum - Brands of I.Z.M
Caffeine 5% Eye Contour Serum Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD
Retinol 0.3% Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Retinol 0.3% Serum 30 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD
Regenerating Ginseng Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.MRegenerating Ginseng Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Regenerating Ginseng Serum 30 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,390.00 RSD
Niacinamide 10% Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.MNiacinamide 10% Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Niacinamide 10% Serum 30 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,390.00 RSD
Night Repair Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.MNight Repair Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Night Repair Serum 30 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,390.00 RSD
Anti - Blemish Skin Brightening Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.MAnti - Blemish Skin Brightening Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Anti-Blemish Skin Brightening Serum 30 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,390.00 RSD
Anti - Aging Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.MAnti - Aging Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Anti-Aging Cream 50 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,790.00 RSD
SPF 50+ Moisturizing Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.MSPF 50+ Moisturizing Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
SPF 50+ Moisturizing Sun Cream 50 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD
SPF 50+ Pink Tone - Up Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
SPF 50+ Pink Tone-Up Sun Cream 50 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,590.00 RSD
SPF 50+ Anti Blemish Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
SPF 50+ Anti Blemish Sun Cream 50 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,390.00 RSD
Glycolic Acid 7% Toner 250 ML - Brands of I.Z.MGlycolic Acid 7% Toner 250 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Glycolic Acid 7% Toner 250 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,490.00 RSD
Pore Minimizing & Anti - Acne BHA Toner 250 ML - Brands of I.Z.MPore Minimizing & Anti - Acne BHA Toner 250 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Pore Minimizing & Anti-Acne BHA Toner 250 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD
Gentle Moisturizing Cleansing Oil 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MGentle Moisturizing Cleansing Oil 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Gentle Moisturizing Cleansing Oil 200 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,260.00 RSD
Purifying Face Cleansing Gel For Normal to Oily Skin 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MPurifying Face Cleansing Gel For Normal to Oily Skin 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Centella Soothing & Hydrating Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MCentella Soothing & Hydrating Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Centella Soothing & Hydrating Cream 200 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD
Niacinamide 10% Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MNiacinamide 10% Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Niacinamide 10% Cream 200 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,390.00 RSD