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Suva koža – Dubinska hidratacija za zdraviji izgled

Suva koža može izazvati nelagodu, osećaj zatezanja, ljuštenje i sivkast ten. Zbog smanjene proizvodnje prirodnih ulja, koža gubi sposobnost da zadrži vlagu, što može dovesti do smanjenja elastičnosti i bržeg pojavljivanja finih linija. U našoj kategoriji Suva koža pronaći ćete proizvode koji dubinski hidratiziraju, obnavljaju i vraćaju koži mekoću i nežnost.

Proizvodi namenjeni suvoj koži sadrže visokokvalitetne sastojke koji pomažu u obnavi lipidne barijere, poput hijaluronske kiseline, ceramida, glicerina i prirodnih biljnih ulja. Ovi sastojci intenzivno hidratiziraju kožu, zadržavaju vlagu i doprinose obnavljanju njene prirodne ravnoteže i zdravlja.

Bez obzira da li je vaša koža suva zbog spoljašnjih faktora (poput hladnoće, vetra ili zagađenja) ili zbog genetike, naši proizvodi će pomoći da koža dobije potrebnu vlagu i hranljive sastojke. Kroz pažljivo odabrane formule, naš cilj je da vam obezbedimo hidratisanu, glatku i zdravu kožu.

Istražite naš asortiman proizvoda za suvu kožu i pronađite savršeno rešenje za vaše potrebe!

16 proizvoda

Ginseng Extract + Jojoba Oil Nourishing Clay Mask 100 ML - Brands of I.Z.MGinseng Extract + Jojoba Oil Nourishing Clay Mask 100 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Caffeine 5% Eye Contour Serum - Brands of I.Z.MCaffeine 5% Eye Contour Serum - Brands of I.Z.M
Caffeine 5% Eye Contour Serum Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD
Regenerating Ginseng Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.MRegenerating Ginseng Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Regenerating Ginseng Serum 30 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,390.00 RSD
Hyaluronic Acid + Collagen AntiAging Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.MHyaluronic Acid + Collagen AntiAging Serum 30 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Anti - Aging Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.MAnti - Aging Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Anti-Aging Cream 50 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,790.00 RSD
SPF 50+ Moisturizing Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.MSPF 50+ Moisturizing Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
SPF 50+ Moisturizing Sun Cream 50 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD
SPF 50+ Mineral Filter Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.MSPF 50+ Mineral Filter Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
SPF 50+ Mineral Filter Sun Cream 50 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,490.00 RSD
SPF 50+ Pink Tone - Up Sun Cream 50 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
SPF 50+ Pink Tone-Up Sun Cream 50 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,590.00 RSD
Glycolic Acid 7% Toner 250 ML - Brands of I.Z.MGlycolic Acid 7% Toner 250 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Glycolic Acid 7% Toner 250 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,490.00 RSD
Gentle Moisturizing Cleansing Oil 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MGentle Moisturizing Cleansing Oil 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Gentle Moisturizing Cleansing Oil 200 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,260.00 RSD
Gentle Face Cleansing Gel For Sensitive Skin 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MGentle Face Cleansing Gel For Sensitive Skin 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Next - Gen Snail Mucin 96% Ultimate Essence 100 ML - Brands of I.Z.MNext - Gen Snail Mucin 96% Ultimate Essence 100 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Centella Soothing & Hydrating Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MCentella Soothing & Hydrating Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Centella Soothing & Hydrating Cream 200 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD
Niacinamide 10% Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MNiacinamide 10% Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Niacinamide 10% Cream 200 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,390.00 RSD
Repairing & Strengthening Barrier Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MRepairing & Strengthening Barrier Cream 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Face 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.MHyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Face 200 ML - Brands of I.Z.M
Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Face 200 ML Cena sa popusotm 1,340.00 RSD