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Iskusni nail tehničari znaju prednosti i mane gela i akrila. Sada postoji proizvod koji spaja najbolje od oba – Poly Gel.

Njegove prednosti:
✔ Lako nanošenje, ne razliva se
✔ Teža prašina – manji rizik od respiratornih problema
✔ Bez neprijatnih mirisa i štetnih isparenja
✔ Polimerizuje se samo pod lampom
✔ Hipoalergen, bez nelagodnosti za klijente
✔ Brzo formiranje i izlivanje noktiju
✔ Lagana, elastična struktura – ne opterećuje nokatnu ploču
✔ Odlično prijanja uz I.Z.M Rubber Base, bez odvajanja
✔ Prirodan izgled noktiju

19 proizvoda

Poly Gel Clear ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel Clear ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Poly Gel Clear ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel Milky White ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel Milky White ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Poly Gel Milky White ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel Pink ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel Pink ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Poly Gel Pink ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel Silver Glint 🪩 Reflective (30g;60g) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel Silver Glint 🪩 Reflective (30g;60g) - Brands of I.Z.M
Poly Gel Silver Glint 🪩 Reflective (30g;60g) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel Blush ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel Blush ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Poly Gel Blush ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel - Girlie ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel - Girlie ( 30g; 60g )
Poly Gel - Girlie ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel - Gold Lace ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel - Gold Lace ( 30g; 60g )
Poly Gel - Gold Lace ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel - Sweetie ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel - Sweetie ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Poly Gel - Sweetie ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel - Sand ⏳ ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel - Sand ⏳ ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Poly Gel - Sand ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Poly Gel - Black 🖤 ( 30g; 60g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPoly Gel - Black 🖤 ( 30g; 60g )
Poly Gel - Black 🖤 ( 30g; 60g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Tečni gel - Clear - Brands of I.Z.MTečni gel - Clear - Brands of I.Z.M
Tečni gel - Clear Cena sa popusotm 1,190.00 RSD Regularna cena1,580.00 RSD
Tečni gel - Nude - Brands of I.Z.MTečni gel - Nude - Brands of I.Z.M
Tečni gel - Nude Cena sa popusotm 1,190.00 RSD Regularna cena1,580.00 RSD
Tečni gel - Milky White - Brands of I.Z.MTečni gel - Milky White - Brands of I.Z.M
Tečni gel - Milky White Cena sa popusotm 1,190.00 RSD Regularna cena1,580.00 RSD
Tečni gel - Pink - Brands of I.Z.MTečni gel - Pink - Brands of I.Z.M
Tečni gel - Pink Cena sa popusotm 1,190.00 RSD Regularna cena1,580.00 RSD
I.Z.M set 3 - Brands of I.Z.M
I.Z.M set 3 Cena sa popusotm 2,850.00 RSD Regularna cena3,360.00 RSD

4 boja dostupna

I.Z.M set 4 - Brands of I.Z.MI.Z.M set 4
I.Z.M set 4 Cena sa popusotm 3,350.00 RSD Regularna cena4,060.00 RSD

10 boja dostupna

I.Z.M set 5 - Brands of I.Z.MI.Z.M set 5 - Brands of I.Z.M
I.Z.M set 5 Cena sa popusotm 3,350.00 RSD Regularna cena3,930.00 RSD
Smart Rubber Base + Poly gel - Brands of I.Z.M
Smart Rubber Base + Poly gel Cena sa popusotm 3,160.00 RSD