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I.Z.M Kamuflažni Builder Gel – Preciznost, čvrstoća i savršen izgled

Srednje gust builder gel, druga faza trofaznog sistema. Pre nanošenja, neophodan je tanak sloj baze.

Oblikuje i učvršćuje nokte, prikriva nesavršenosti i olakšava rad zahvaljujući samonivelišućoj formuli. Idealan za izlivanje i ojačavanje prirodnih noktiju.

Podržava tehniku bez turpijanja, omogućavajući preciznu i brzu izradu. Izuzetno čvrst i otporan na lomljenje.

Siguran za upotrebu, ne izaziva iritacije ni alergije, a ekonomičan je u potrošnji. Pre upotrebe preporučuje se mešanje. Pogodan za početnike i iskusne majstore.

33 proizvoda

Natural Cover V.2 ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MNatural Cover V.2 ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Natural Cover V.2 ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Natural cover ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MNatural cover ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Natural cover ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Powder Blush ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MPowder Blush ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Powder Blush ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Stardust ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MStardust ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Stardust ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Iced Pink ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MIced Pink ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Iced Pink ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Nude Glister Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MNude Glister Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Nude Glister ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Jazz ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MJazz ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Jazz ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Ultra White ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MUltra White ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Ultra White ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Barbie Pink ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MBarbie Pink ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Barbie Pink ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Vanila Cream ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MVanila Cream ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Vanila Cream ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Shiny Pink 30g - Brands of I.Z.M
Shiny Pink 30g Cena sa popusotm 1,480.00 RSD Regularna cena1,980.00 RSD
Pink Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Pink Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Sweetie Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MSweetie Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Sweetie Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Sand Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MSand Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Sand Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Girlie Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MGirlie Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Girlie Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Blush Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Blush Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Silver Glint Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Silver Glint Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD
Gold Lace Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.MGold Lace Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) - Brands of I.Z.M
Gold Lace Builder Gel ( 30g; 50g ) Cena sa popusotm Od 1,980.00 RSD